Then a funny thing happened. I found my gratitude. I started typing my gratitude list last night with the idea that there had to be SOMETHING I was grateful for. The first line comes from this book Cassie gave me to read, Same Kind of Different as Me. A homeless alcholic was grateful that he woke up everyday so that made him happy. After spending about 15 minutes I realize that I have soooooo much to be grateful for! It might not be the level that someone who makes a million dollars a year and lives in a spectacular life kind of grateful. But it is MY grateful.
Facebook has this new thing where it shows you your status update from a year ago. Here's mine:
Kristina Jorgensen Harrigan
Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone... to bring you flowers."- Veronica A. Shoffstall Amen to that!!
How fitting that I see this at 3 a.m. If you don't believe that God doesn't show you things in his own time then this should prove it. I had two bad dreams. I wake up to find that statement right there. At 3 a.m. Did I mention that already? Why on earth would anyone just randomly wake up and see that very statement that I have been struggling with for weeks??? Why now?
Because God has a plan for all of us!!!! "The will of God will never lead you where the Grace of God can't keep you."
I have more Grace than most people! How else could I survive?? Because the Grace of God is with me. Everyday! Every second of every day.
Thank you God for your amazing Blessings. For my children. I mean really. How lucky can one person get in a lifetime?? I struggled for YEARS and prayed every second for God to give me a child. And what did he do? He gave me FOUR!
God is good.
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