My Life in a Nut Shell

3 surgeries for Endometriosis, countless medications, and lots of difficult years trying to conceive. We put the medical stuff on hold and decided to work on being parents instead. In July of 2000 we were blessed beyond all measure with a phone call announcing the birth of our daughter, Megan. Megan's birth mother had given birth the day before and was leaving the hospital. We had no warning that Megan was coming. At 4:29 in the afternoon we were a couple, at 4:30 we were parents. Deciding that we wanted a sibling for Megan, we looked into all our options. This time insurance covered IVF. One round and we were blessed with triplets, Abigail, Brigid, and Caroline. Did you know that there is a 70% chance of divorce in families of Higher Order Multiples? Almost two years after the triplets were born my ex-husband and I separated and eventually divorced. During that time both my Mother and Father passed away from cancer. In February of 2007 my sister came to live with us to help out. In December of 2008 she had to leave so now it is me on my own with the girls. In February 2010, Lisa passed away and finally found her own Peace.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for everyone who helped out. I talked to my friend this morning and we now have $1500 for my down payment. I called Carmax and they are working on getting something together for me. I will hopefully have a van this weekend!!!!! Thank you so much for prayers answered. Thank you so much for being willing to help me/us out. I am forever and eternally greatfu. to everyone. You guys are amazing!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Facebook donations

So I posted my totally joking comment about needing $1 from 1500 people to help cover the cost of the down payment for a minivan. Another triplet Mom said how about $10 from 150 people. So she started asking friends on her Facebook page to help. To date she has over $300 through the mail and a paypal account. Another triplet Mom jumped on it and I've been getting checks in the mail via her friends. I'm now up to at least $650. Here is the Facebook post:

"THANKS SO MUCH to my friends who have donated to help the single mother (of triplets plus one) that I mentioned last week. I now have a paypal account set up to accept online donations ( BTW: I don't get charged a fee if you call it a "gift". I have $300 of the $1500 goal, so far. It will be SO cool if 150 of my FB friends each give $10!! Am counting on you all! We can do this! THANKS!"

I've been using my nephew's pick-up truck to get the girls back and forth to school and work but he needs it back. I figured it would take 3 buses to get the girls to their school and an extra one to get me from their school back to work, and another 4 buses to get home every night. There is no bus transportation for the girls to school as they are at their school on a hardship transfer because I pick them up at 3:45 and bring them back to the preschool I work at in the afternoon. Long story short life is VERY complicated without a vehicle. I asked the ex to help out and got a one word email "No". Not that I wasn't surprised but shocked none the least.

The girls and I were interviewed by Louisville Magazine for a September issue about raising multiples. My friend Ali and her boys were interviewed as well. The writer is very interested in the Facebook story as well.

Life continually throws us lemons. I seem to get more than my fair share. At lot of it is my poor choices and sometimes life just sucks. But the utter amazement I feel at the fact that people I know and people I don't know are willing to help ME leaves me speechless and shaking my head. My friend who orginally started the Facebook request does not want her name known. I asked because I wanted to tell the writer from LM about it. But she knows who she is and I believe there will be a special place in Heaven for that girl. :)

So thanks all for your offers of help. My email address is on my blog if you want to contact me.

Monday, August 3, 2009

$50 from 30 people

That's what I would need to come up with my down payment for a vehicle. Any vehicle. Not just a van. I just simply can't get a loan otherwise. A friend told me to stay positive. I can't! I'm at 3 TARC buses just to get to work. It would be 4-5 to get the girls to school in the morning if they stay at their current school. I can have them switch schools but they will be devastated. In order to pick them up from school in the afternoon I would have to leave work early. There's less pay. Or I can enroll them in CEP. There's an extra $200 a month on top of the over $200 a month it will cost us to ride the TARC bus. That's over $400 a month. I will NEVER be able to save up enough money to buy another vehicle. I'm tired of hearing it will work out. HOW? I'm going to have to grocery shop using the bus. Carrying gallons of milk. Kitty litter. Laundry detergent. There is no grocery store within walking distance. How the fuck am I going to do this with 4 kids in tow? As it stands now we won't be arriving home until 7:30-8:00 every evening. Then we have to do homework, dinner, baths and bed. Then get up at 5:30 a.m. and start it all over again. I'm in such a panic that I don't know how we will survive. Truly. Don't suggest the ex. Not a possibility. So I'm thinking $50 from 30 people. $25 from 60 people. Or $1 from 1500 people. Any takers?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It really can get worse

I've struggled here in the last 7 months to really pull myself up from my bootstraps. Found a good job, a nice place to live, can afford small things for the girls. Finally starting to enjoy life a bit. Then the van died. I need $1500 as a down payment to buy a car. NO ONE will loan me any money to buy a van except for Carmax. And only with $1500 down. I don't have it. I know it's my fault that my credit is so stinky. I really felt like this was the beginning of things getting better. How do I get myself and 4 kids around with a car? I came to the library today to look up TARC schedules. Life is going to be really tough trying to get around on city buses with 4 kids. I'm not really concerned about the hardship for me. I've survived SO MANY really bad things that this just falls in line with everything else. I don't want the hardship for the girls. I know they will think taking the bus is fun. But it is going to be really bad for them. I'm finding it hard to find a silver lining in all this. It just makes me feel like this is my just dessert for the things I've done in my life. I just don't feel worthy of good things happening anymore. Again I can carry the yuck all by myself without sympathy from anyone. But why should my girls have to suffer? I've too often lived in just the moment and the immediate future. I suck at looking down the road. I should have been planning for this. But I didn't. I had hoped the car would make it till tax time when I could have had a bit more for a down payment. And I should have been saving something. Should have. Could have. I didn't. So yes I am feeling really down. But I'll keep going. I have to. My children need it and expect it of me.