I now have a 7th grader and three 4th graders living in my house. I can hardly believe it. It just doesn't seem right that my girls are getting older. I keep thinking in 2 years I will have a high schooler and middle schoolers. I'm not ready! The trio had a celebration at their school today. There teacher, Mrs. E aka Mrs. Frizzle, is one of THE best teachers out there. Not only was she Megan's 4th grade teacher, she was also a co-worker. I've seen her from both sides and there is no one quite like her.
I did not attend anything at Megan's school today. It seems like with her being in middle school that I am missing out on what is going on. We've gone from a wonderful school like Field where I know the teachers to a school where I basically know no one. I miss that connection.
The last day of school in my mind was always just the best day ever. No homework, no stress, nothing but fun, fun, fun. My girls went off to school today looking like it was the first day of school at a military base. Solemn faces, slow walking, quiet. And weird. It was a total let down for ME! I have the opportunity to try and stay home. I have fun plans for the girls! Relaxation. The pool. Friends. What the heck is wrong with them?????
I think if it weren't for the homework, my girls would totally love school! Megan, Caroline, and Brigid are just so damn good at it!!! Definitely my kids. (Yes I was great at school. Why do you think I became a teacher?) Abby struggles at it but managed to bring up her grades this semester and is almost on grade level. Her joy of school comes from the oodles and oodles of friends she has.
When they were little and my Dad was still alive (so that puts the girls at 4 and 1) he gave his predictions of what he thought the girls would be like in school. He had them all pegged right. He said that Megan would do well no matter what was put in front of her because she was so determined and driven. He said that when Abby got off the bus she would be surrounded by friends and be the social butterfly. True. He said that Brigid would have her own unique group of friends who were smart and somewhat nerdy. Think Bardstown Rd. and that she would find her own path home from the bus. He said that Caroline would be the first one off the bus and race home to be with me. True, true, true, true. Weird that he could see that when they were so little.
So I am faced with a summer at home with 4 children who seem less than enthusiastic about the prospect. I even let them stay up to watch the end of America's Next Top Model and So You Think You Can Dance. Still no excitement.
Yay me.
This may turn out to be a very lllooooonnnnggggg summer.
The ever amusing adventures of a single Mom and her smart, funny, beautiful children
My Life in a Nut Shell
3 surgeries for Endometriosis, countless medications, and lots of difficult years trying to conceive. We put the medical stuff on hold and decided to work on being parents instead. In July of 2000 we were blessed beyond all measure with a phone call announcing the birth of our daughter, Megan. Megan's birth mother had given birth the day before and was leaving the hospital. We had no warning that Megan was coming. At 4:29 in the afternoon we were a couple, at 4:30 we were parents. Deciding that we wanted a sibling for Megan, we looked into all our options. This time insurance covered IVF. One round and we were blessed with triplets, Abigail, Brigid, and Caroline. Did you know that there is a 70% chance of divorce in families of Higher Order Multiples? Almost two years after the triplets were born my ex-husband and I separated and eventually divorced. During that time both my Mother and Father passed away from cancer. In February of 2007 my sister came to live with us to help out. In December of 2008 she had to leave so now it is me on my own with the girls. In February 2010, Lisa passed away and finally found her own Peace.
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