My Life in a Nut Shell

3 surgeries for Endometriosis, countless medications, and lots of difficult years trying to conceive. We put the medical stuff on hold and decided to work on being parents instead. In July of 2000 we were blessed beyond all measure with a phone call announcing the birth of our daughter, Megan. Megan's birth mother had given birth the day before and was leaving the hospital. We had no warning that Megan was coming. At 4:29 in the afternoon we were a couple, at 4:30 we were parents. Deciding that we wanted a sibling for Megan, we looked into all our options. This time insurance covered IVF. One round and we were blessed with triplets, Abigail, Brigid, and Caroline. Did you know that there is a 70% chance of divorce in families of Higher Order Multiples? Almost two years after the triplets were born my ex-husband and I separated and eventually divorced. During that time both my Mother and Father passed away from cancer. In February of 2007 my sister came to live with us to help out. In December of 2008 she had to leave so now it is me on my own with the girls. In February 2010, Lisa passed away and finally found her own Peace.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Megan 1st Communion

Anna, Megan, Erik, Evan, Brigie, Me, Caroline & Abigail

Megan had her first Communion on April 27th at St. Bernedette Catholic Church (the former MGC). She looked beautiful. She was excited and nervous at the same time. She love being able to taste the wine. But more than anything Megan was glad her Dad showed up. He brought his fiancee and Brigid's Godparents, Ken and Chris, along. This helped make Megan's day. Ali , Jack, and the triplets came to church. What a great friend she is. She is even Jewish but took the time time to come because she knew just how important it was to Megan. Mr. Ice, Megan's teacher, even showed up!! After the ceremony, our friends and family came back to my house to celebrate. We saw old friends and new friends. And the day was just so danged special for Megan. Enjoy the pics!!

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